About Pt. Suresh Talwalkar

Taalyogi Padmashree Pandit Suresh Talwalkar

Taalyogi Padmashree Pandit Suresh Talwalkar is one of the most eminent Tabla maestros in the world of music.

His contribution to the field of Indian Classical music has awarded him an invaluable position as.

For years together, Tabla solo has been played with the accompaniment of musical instruments like Sarangi or Harmonium. Through his unique vision and philosophy, Sureshiji has shifted this paradigm and has brought a richer thought and approach to the Tabla solo. He uses compositions of vocal music instead of typical instrumental Nagma playing. This gives the soloist a more profound view towards the Taal and also gives him an additional focal point inthe form of Mukhda rather than just the Sam. When a composition is rendered through vocal music, its Taal Cycle can be easily understood even by a lay person, due to the verbal element in it. The vocal accompaniment also facilitates him to play Tabla solo in non conventional Taals like Deepchandi and Ada Chautaal. Along with vocal, he is also accompanied by Pakhawaj. Every musical form adds up a different flavor to the performance while together they all express the same thought.

Suresh ji was fortunate to have training from great Gurus of Tabla like Pt. Pandnharinath Nageshkar, Pt. Vinayarao Ghangrekar. On the other hand, he was nurtured by great vocalists like Pt. Gajananbua Joshi and Pt. Nivruttibua Sarnaik. What sets him apart from his contemporaries is his zeal to understand the Carnatic Taal Shastra which fetched him to the Mridangam maestro Pt. Ramanad Ishwaran ji. Through all this profound training and much contemplation, emerged his unique style of Tabla playing. His style is a perfect amalgamation of Hindustani and Carnatic schools of thought.

He has presented complex musical themes like Taal Mala and Joad Taal. Through his boundless creativity, he has come up with rich productions like Taal Yatra. Taal Yatra is considered as a milestone in the field of classical music. Suresh ji believes in the unison of vocal, instrumental music and dance to be called ‘music’ in the true sense. wifi aTer or Jd 74 witagead | Taal Yatra is a wonderful ensemble of 20 phenomenal artistes on Tabla, Pakhawaj, Mridangam, Western Drums, Harmonium, Keyboards, Flute, Sitar and Kathak dance. Every art form is like a color on the palette. With their harmonious use, he creates an extraordinary art piece using rich vocal compositions as their canvas.

The music world recognizes Suresh ji primarily as a solo Tabla exponent. But for many long years, Suresh ji has played with senior artists from vocal, instrumental music as well as Kathak dance. Naturally, his disciples get training in all forms of accompaniment.

Suresh ji is probably the only Guru of present times who takes upon himself to train, guide and establish his Shishyas. Majority of the contemporary ace Tabla players are his disciples. Satyajit Talwalkar (His son), Vijay Ghate, Ramdas Palsule would be just a few names at the top of the list. His daughter Sawani is carving a niche for herself. She is a proud recipient of Ustaad Bismillah Khan Youth Award by Sangeet Naatak Academy.

A number of vocalists, instrumentalists, Kathak dancers train under Suresh ji in the aspects of Laykari and aesthetic of music. He has a huge following in the European countries, from where a big number of Jazz musicians regularly learn under him and try to immerse in the ocean of Indian music. He also trains Pakhawaj players and western drummers. Only a Guru with wide vision and perspective can impart such holistic training to students from different disciplines.

His training goes above and beyond the boundaries of content. It is about the values concepts and fundamentals of music. Suresh ji is synonymous with standard, quality and accuracy in training.

Guruji has appointed as principal guru in avartan gurukul started in pune and he is also teaching in bengal foundation's Bengal parampara sangitalaya in Dhaka. In his Gurukul ‘Taalyogi Aashram’ in Pune, India, a number of students learn from him in the traditional Guru Shishya Parampara.

The President of India Shri Pranob Mukharji, awards Sureshii the prestigious*Padmmashri Award”

The President of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, awards Sureshii the prestigious “Sangeet Natak Academy Award”

Suresh ji has been honored with more than 35 national and international awards and titles. He has been awarded the title ‘Sangeet poornacharya’ by Resp. Vishnu Maharaj Parnerkar, ‘Taalyogr’ by Shri Shankaracharya of Karaveer Peeth and ‘Sreshtha Kala Acharya’ by Madhuban, Bhopal M.P. He is the recipient of Sangeet Naatak Academy Award and last but not the least, ‘Padmashree’ award by Government of India.