The Taalyogi Aashram, the Gurukul where Padmashree Pandit Suresh Talwalkar teaches a number of young dedicated students, is situated in Dhayari, a suburb of Pune about ten kilometers from the city. It is located in a three-storied bungalow, where some twenty-odd students live and learn tabla and pakhavaj from Sureshji. He also teaches a few percussionists who play other instruments like Djembe, Kalabash, etc. Panditji himself spends four to five hours in the morning and another four to five hours in the evening at the Ashram, teaching students the intricacies of laya and taal. Students do rigorous riyaz at the Ashram for the rest of the time.
Taalyogi Aashram is located in Dhayari, a suburb of Pune about ten kilometres from the city. One of Panditji’s senior students, Dr. Srinivas (Shri) Rao has made his three storied bungalow available to Guruji for his Gurukul. The bungalow has living facilities for around 30 students. These students, ranging from around 15 to 25 years of age live at the Aashram and get intensive taleem directly from Guruji seven to eight hours a day. The rest of the day they do rigorous riyaz. They also have the responsibility to keep the whole Ashram neat and clean. One of Guruji’s senior students, Mandar Joshi who lives nearby maintains discipline among the students at the Ashram.
The initial funding for renovating the bungalow in which the aashram is housed, and for purchasing the basic amenities for students staying at the aashram, was generously provided by Pt. Firoz Dastur Memorial Foundation and many other individual donors. The aashram now welcomes donations for on-going expenses. For details, please see the “Aashram Trust” page.